Veterinary Medicine: Literature

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for the Treatment of Non-Union of a Canine Mandibular Fracture
Olivia J. Oginska, Richard Whitelock, Kirsten Hausler, Amy Stelman, Matthew J. Allen
Radial shock wave therapy in dogs with hip osteoarthritis
Alexandre N. A. Souza, Marcio P. Ferreira, Stefano C. F. Hagen, Geni C. F. Patricio, Julia M. Matera
How to use Extracorporal Shock Wave Therapy in the nuchal ligament area
Dr. med. vet. Rüdiger E. Brems, Dr. med. vet. Wolf-Dieter Wagner, Dr. med. vet. Daniel Weiss
Study of shock wave therapy in horses with the »Masterpuls MP100« system offered by Storz Medical AG