What is the INDIBA AH-100?
As pets get older, the needs for treatments that keep them moving and enjoying life grows higher. The AH-100 is the first small animal’s device at INDIBA, that integrates the well-known technology of radiofrequency at 448 kHz, with protocols and accessories that adapt to the needs of the user of our devices, to provide painless and non-invasive treatments to accelerate recovery, reduce pain and improve the quality of life of dogs and cats.
Read the AH-100 Product Sheet
Product benefits
The AH-100 devices can be used for the rehabilitation treatment of dogs and cats, both in acute and chronic stages, including pre- and post-surgery, and also for the improvement of the quality of life, especially on chronic patients or older animals. These benefits are possible thanks to the unique effects of INDIBA’s radiofrequency:
- Provides an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects
- Increases the volume and intensity of blood flow, supply of oxygen and nutrients
- Increases tissue temperature
- Increases cellular metabolism and activates cell biostimulation
- Normalizes and optimizes cellular activity
- Allows treatment in areas traditionally not suitable for electrotherapy
- Accelerates healing and tissue regeneration processes
- Allows passive exercise during treatment
- Treatment compatible with metal implants

As with many of INDIBA’s devices, the underpinning technology of the AH-100 devices is radiofrequency. INDIBA’s radiofrequency technology uses an electrical current at a specific frequency of 448 kHz to activate a cascade of beneficial effects. These are split into thermal and electrical effects, which accelerate tissue repair mechanisms, leading to an expedited healing process in the treatment area.
A few of the main benefits of this technology include:
- A powerful thermal and sub-thermal effect
- Unlimited treatment depth thanks to a closed-circuit electrical current
- Unlimited frequency of use in large body areas
- Wide-ranging compatibility with other therapies and rehabilitation techniques
- Application on healthy tissue to enhance functionality
General indications and applications

Joint and muscle pain management
Osteoarthritis, Dysplasias, Cervicalgias and lumbago, Associated with neurological processes.
Fractures, Tendinopathies, Desmitis, Bursitis, Fibrillar tears.
Acceleration of recovery and postsurgical
Cruciate ligament rupture, Herniated discs, Neurological processes.
General well-being
Pain management is one of the main objectives in the presence of an injury and especially in patients with painful chronic degenerative diseases.

Painless and relaxing treatments
Our scientifically proven technology not only allows for quicker recovery and improvement of quality of life, but it does it by providing completely painless and non-invasive treatments, which leads to a relaxing session for the animal. This also gives the professional the opportunity to perform techniques, otherwise uncomfortable for the animals, as the tissues are more flexible, the animal is relaxed and more open to accept manipulation.
Knowledge is power. We share ours with you!
Every INDIBA new user gets fully trained to become an expert in the use of our devices. From the basic concepts to the most advanced techniques, we team up with recognized professionals to provide the best knowledge to our users in order to obtain the best results.
Check out our Academy Section

Clinical Cases
Use of the 448 kHz Radiofrequency for the reabsorption of contusions
ARENA M.1 2019. Veterinary Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Center FISIODOG, León, Spain.
3 sessions in 96h

Radiofrequency at 448 kHz in the treatment of muscle spasticity in a dog with C2-C3 spinal injury.
ARENA M.1 2018. Veterinary Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Center FISIODOG, León, Spain.
Post-surgical treatment. 14 sessions in 21 days

Accessories & Consumables

Return plates, Handles and Electrodes
All the basic accessories necessary to conduct the current, always adapted to the size of the animal and the need. Find the one that is compatible with your device and with your practice.
Transport Solution
With the mobile clinic in mind, the products in this series are carefully designed to facilitate and protect equipment and accessories during transport.
Our trolleys are the ideal accessory to move your device in your daily practice within the clinic.
Vet Conductive Gel
It is formulated not only to conduct INDIBA’s exclusive electromagnetic current at 448 kHz, but also to protect your electrodes from premature wear.

Proionic VET Lotion
A conductive lotion that easily penetrates the animal’s hair and provides greater comfort when applying the treatment to dogs and cats.
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