EZ Communication Board – Pack of 50
$ 1,188
EZ Communication Boards have an augmentative design that encompasses all the various dynamics involved in simple and direct communication that is needed by patients who are unable to speak.
$ 1,188
EZ Communication Boards have an augmentative design that encompasses all the various dynamics involved in simple and direct communication that is needed by patients who are unable to speak.
Dressing and Grooming Aids for Home Care
Tylastic Shoelaces – 26 in. x 1/8 in. – White – Pack of 2 (Pairs)
Dressing and Grooming Aids for Home Care
Dressing and Grooming Aids for Home Care
Sock and Stocking Aid with Built-Up Foam Handles Adult 4″x9.5″ Rope 30″
Dressing and Grooming Aids for Home Care
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